Friday, May 25, 2012

Photography Coaching: Their Output

Photos of me.. students' output. Credits to the respective owners :)

Few things I told them to take notice of:
horizontal should be horizontal
vertical should be vertical
diagonal, diagonal!

aww.. don't worry about me, I'm okay... 
iIf this is what it takes to take the group photo.. tsk
The result of the previous photo's hardwork!!
Camera propped on the bag.

Photography: Little Angel

This afternoon, I went to my friend's sister's event.. not clear what event? Yes. Let's keep it that way first :) Anyways, one of her guest was this little angel. Just look how innocent a baby is! ..Come to think of it, we were once like her too :) So pure.. Once. Now? ..whatever happened?! xp

Little Angel

Constant Cravings

A very simple dessert! Ladyfingers + thick cream + yoghurt + cocoa powder or any fruit for toppings. Sometimes, added creamcheese would be nice! Bon appetit! 

Photography Coaching: Students

Heya! So, should I be a teacher? I don't know. :p I've been spending the past four Fridays with four photography hobbyists who want to further learning in the art. Thankfully, they trusted me enough to seek a, sort of, coaching.  Hmm, this is our second to the last meeting already yet this is just our first picture together!

Me, Kenneth, Pinks, Ely, Wafi
I limited the number of people. The fewer, the better.
Looking back, honestly, I was hesitant at first to coach people (other than my closest and dearest friends) as that would mean spilling/giving out the "trade secrets".. which I really was avoiding. But well, people change ;p And I'm actually thankful for the opportunity. They helped me and I hope I delivered as well. *Excuse me for the aberration at the left! xp

Taken just today using Nikon D60 propped on the camera bag.
I told them to 'squat' for N times.. now I realized why they weren't following.
It wasn't squat which I meant, 'cross-legged'!! Sorry. haha

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kabayan, sending money home?

*Exchange rates in remittance centers here vary by approximately +/-0.05.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jansport - Eastpak?

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go! ..Only, it's not yet time to go!!! Anyways, relative to the previous post: I wanted to show you the actual thing. On the left is my old packbag. On the right is the new one. So what?! Nothing. :p I'm just saying.

Jansport, Eastpak (both actually are made in PRC)

Seriously though, on the left is the bag which I saved for who knows how long!! I got it (old orange Jansport) back in 1998 I think. That's more or less 14yrs of service! Back then, it cost me 1,600php. Truly, quality comes with a price.

Then why buy a new one?! Because there is a need. Furthermore, I'm actually afraid that the old one would no longer be able to withstand the demands of the coming days. That is why. 

On the right is the new Eastpak Coat Red Scramble which is bigger and which comes with a lot of compartments. It is now faced with 14yr record of the previous. If the bag would have feelings, perhaps it would be too pressured now from my expectations! xo

From Dubai, With Love :)

Dubai keychains? I have but I like the magnet better because it's colorful! Of course, this fuss is still part of my 'going home'! Excited, you got it. Anyways, here are a few things which I intentionally took out of my luggage just to take picture to show you! Show off! tsk :p
Dubai Souvenir Magnets

Pasalubong for inaanak :)

Dear Diary: It's a Wednesday Off!!

It's a Wednesday! On regular days, I usually get home past past 9pm. That's after the tutorial sessions. But, today I wasn't feeling really well. I felt like I couldn't handle another work today so I stayed home and tried to recover... by doing whatever relaxes me - eating for one. LOL.

Cabbage kimchi, radish kimchi, spinach, bacon
In my 4 yrs in Dubai, I have never bought bacon as I've always thought that it's something I couldn't afford :) Not until yesterday though! And so, it's part of what I prepared for tonight (not exactly entirely by myself!). Kimchi (s) of course were courtesy of the Korean family. The spinach, I just boiled it briefly. 
That's it! ..just sharing! xo

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ulnamsam - Vietnamese Spring Rolls modified..

On the process of doing the detailed 'to do list' now.. In a thread where my friends were discussing some itinerary for our upcoming vacation, there was a mention of a request that I should prepare one meal for them. My natural tendency would be to immediately brush off the idea thinking that there wouldn't be enough time to cook! ..On second thought, I considered preparing "ulnamsam" for them! Just not sure yet if it would be possible!

Vegetables, and meat for spring rolls
adding pineapple bits and/or mint leaves gives a more 'exciting' and refreshing taste

So, what's "ulnamsam"? It's basically more of a Vietnamese spring roll with a twist. I actually just coined the term from our Korean friends. They call the food that way. Ulnamsam is a really nice and refreshing food to share! The vegetables are freshly eaten and the rolls aren't fried! No oil involve ~healthy :x Koreans are not only so used to eating fresh produce, they also take time in really preparing their food = healthier than what can usually be bought outside!

Vietnamese Rice Paper for Spring Rolls
Photo from:

As pictured on top, vegetables (the kind that you would prefer to eat) and meat will comprise the filling of the roll. The meat will be cooked stove top in boiling water (the broth from this will be used later for ramen!). After, both cooked meat (beef in our case) and assorted veggies will be wrapped in softened rice paper (dipped in boiling water where the beef is being cooked) then dipped in a sauce (onion juice+pineapple juice+fish sauce)... then eaten!!! Just like that..! And, where's the picture? ..Just like that the food is all gone too :) Please understand!

And the broth? Of course we'll not let it go to a waste! Have an instant ramen or fresh noodles (if you want) ready and cook it in the now really tasty broth! ...burp!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dear Diary: Ready to go?

So, why haven't I been blogging lately? ..for so many reasons - I'm quite confused either, for I know that I have a lot of things to say. So, again, why? I think it's mainly because I've been preoccupied with the mere thought of going home after two years! Yes, that's 2. (I would have to say 'mere' as by now I should have been acting on some finalized plans for this much awaited break.. not just mulling over it still.)

Don't misunderstand, I have been planning in ages!! Only, I stopped recently. And, stopping actually broke my routine.. maybe that's why I got lost in the process? Perhaps, the ones I made will already suffice? I sure do hope so!

I'm a planner but I'm very much of a worrier too. And, although I am very much convinced that I should follow contemplation with rightful actions, I am actually hesitant to act. Uncertain. I fear how doing one thing simultaneously would affect my plans. My mind is just set on optimum results no matter how well aware I am of the importance of leaving a room for contingencies. It would break my heart if something goes wrong along the way (something that's not in Case A, B, C or D, got it? :p ).

Eastpak Rucksack Scramble Coat Red
Why the bag? ..because for quite a while, I have been sure of nothing but this. No, I haven't been eyeing particularly on this rucksack. I only wanted a pack sturdy enough to suit my needs and last long. I was sure that I wanted one so last night I considered window shopping as my friend informed me of some sale. Thankfully, I got the bag half the cost :) I remember its original price very well as I have visited the store several times already. I hope it will not fail me though :)

And so, here I am, back on blogging! Somehow, having bought one thing I wanted became the key to get the feel of writing again! With the vacation coming and time available, there will be a lot of nice (fingers crossed!) things to look forward to. Hang on.