Friday, May 25, 2012

Photography Coaching: Students

Heya! So, should I be a teacher? I don't know. :p I've been spending the past four Fridays with four photography hobbyists who want to further learning in the art. Thankfully, they trusted me enough to seek a, sort of, coaching.  Hmm, this is our second to the last meeting already yet this is just our first picture together!

Me, Kenneth, Pinks, Ely, Wafi
I limited the number of people. The fewer, the better.
Looking back, honestly, I was hesitant at first to coach people (other than my closest and dearest friends) as that would mean spilling/giving out the "trade secrets".. which I really was avoiding. But well, people change ;p And I'm actually thankful for the opportunity. They helped me and I hope I delivered as well. *Excuse me for the aberration at the left! xp

Taken just today using Nikon D60 propped on the camera bag.
I told them to 'squat' for N times.. now I realized why they weren't following.
It wasn't squat which I meant, 'cross-legged'!! Sorry. haha

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