Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dear Diary: It's a Wednesday Off!!

It's a Wednesday! On regular days, I usually get home past past 9pm. That's after the tutorial sessions. But, today I wasn't feeling really well. I felt like I couldn't handle another work today so I stayed home and tried to recover... by doing whatever relaxes me - eating for one. LOL.

Cabbage kimchi, radish kimchi, spinach, bacon
In my 4 yrs in Dubai, I have never bought bacon as I've always thought that it's something I couldn't afford :) Not until yesterday though! And so, it's part of what I prepared for tonight (not exactly entirely by myself!). Kimchi (s) of course were courtesy of the Korean family. The spinach, I just boiled it briefly. 
That's it! ..just sharing! xo

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