Monday, August 19, 2013

Run for fun?

Yes! I do exercise! ...sometimes! :)
Tonight, I did the best I could! *ahemmm.
Here's the evidence.

I normally find it difficult to work out. 
And, in most cases, I only rely on the not so brisk walk to and from the office which would take me 7~8mins (500m) under the sun at temperatures as high as 45+F during summer. In addition to that, I do another 15-minute walk from my part time job to home (which is only every other day). That would be approximately 1.3km. Other than that? Nothing.

But the past few days, I've tried walking a bit more. Initially, the goal was actually to "jog". So there.. yeah, I tried to jog.. then walk. Walk. Walk. Walk more. It was quite frustrating that I couldn't jog an entire oval of ~500m! 

And so, one day, I joined a friend in her jog (after having my hair cut by her, what contradicting activities right?). I was scared though a bit excited to test my endurance. Funny how, I was more worried of the jog than of how my hair would turn out! I would constantly ask her to watch me as I (was imagining) might collapse along the way. Thankfully, we managed to complete 2 rounds (bigger oval) mostly jogging - atleast I think it was!


Tonight though, I tried to do better and above is the record (and the haircut)! Not bad eh? But still, almost 30mins and I only get to burn 153kcal??! Considering my dinner was adobo, I assume that wouldn't even get a quarter off that! Nonetheless, it felt great to have sweat so much. How about you? Have you tried working out lately?

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