Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hong Kong Ocean Park - Sea Dreams Show

Hong Kong surprises me day after day!
Ocean Park, to me, has always meant aquarium.. but not anymore! Theme park as it is, there are a lot of activities to enjoy :) and the dolphin show is one of them. It was my first time to go to such show! I was in awe. The child in me surfaced, amazed to have witnessed what wonders these animals could do! 

Adults. This actually reminds me of the book "The Little Prince". I'm sure such exhibitions and tricks are not new to many of us. Perhaps, we even have already seen them a number of times in movies. But, the funny thing is, for me, the feeling you get from watching them with your own eyes is something one wouldn't get from any book or movie or picture! 

I am, therefore, suggesting that you grab that chance to watch one if possible! Ain't it nice to come in close contact with such lovely creatures?! ..hear them squeal as well! ..

Here's a trivia:

Each and every dolphin has a different sound just like you and me, a sound that other dolphins recognize as a particular individual.  Even a new baby dolphin, (calf), can detect it's mother's whistle within the pod soon after birth.

Utilizing their blowholes, air sacks and valves, dolphins can emit a very wide variety of sounds.  In fact, the frequency levels range 10 times beyond what humans can hear! This system is called "Echolocation", or "Sonar", just like what a submarine uses to navigate while underwater.  Yet the dolphins sonar is much more advanced than human technology and can pin point exact information about it's surroundings ranging from size, distance and even the nature of the object.

Dolphin Speech is so complex that the sounds even cross the species barriers and enable different kinds of dolphins to communicate.  They have been known to instruct each other as well as receive instructions and act accordingly.

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