Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hong Kong Bank Notes

Travelling in Hong Kong? Then here's what your money should like..

HKD - Hong Kong Dollars smaller bank notes
The texture and a touch of the designs are like Euros! *Atleast, I think!
The 10HKD also looks like the AUD, only the color is different.

HKD - Hong Kong Dollars bank notes

To my surprise, there were 3 designs of the 500KHD!
I then googled it and here's what it says:

The following three banks are allowed to issue Hong Kong money notes:

The Hongkong Bank (HSBC),
The Standard Chartered Bank, and
The Bank of China
I'm assuming - there are therefore 3 designs of each notes?! Well, that's new to me. So, please be advised when it's your turn to travel :) Yeah, your time will come! Just keep believing!

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