Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Diary, I'm on the verge!

I must have waited too long for this vacation (too long!!), that now it already feels like all the excitement is starting to fade! Or is it?!

Not to worry though, being able to write this post means I’ve already bounced back a bit! J And, bounced back from what? From the changes arising from the shortened vacation leave.

Relative to the original month-long break, I’ve laid out some plans and have established how things ought to be like this and that. I’ve vividly painted pictures in my head and have gone through these images time and again. And, I would have to say, planning can be easy. Execution is, however, a totally different story.

If only life is a simple math, I wouldn’t have been this stressed out. But yes, it isn’t. Although it’s given, it still is pretty much hard to swallow. So hard, in fact, that I spent the night just tossing and turning – anxious, body worn out but mind, overly active; that in the morning, I woke up with a terrible headache and felt like throwing up at work! Yes, that’s what happens when I’m pressured.

And why would I be pressured? Firstly, the air ticket – the change of return date wasn’t confirmed until this morning to think that I’m flying out tomorrow! Secondly, I don’t consider myself to be a spontaneous person (except for small stuffs). I find it rather difficult to cope up with last minute changes. I find it strenuous to suddenly adjust mindset. I find it mentally draining to alter plans – especially those which demanded some ‘nurturing’.

To be continued..

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