Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Whew, Tuesday. Refreshment for a hot summer!

I recently bought a new juicer, Braun - so far, so good. I must say the old one's (Black and Decker) wear and tear was too early.. which of course is a bit disappointing.. And, I really have close to nothing in mind for this post aside from the following points:
  • 1 orange navel = 100 mL freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 200mL commercial juice = 1 to 2dhs.
  • 1 orange = 1dh.; hence, fresh orange juice cost only as much as those in bottles/tetra packs!
  • Logically, I should opt the fresh one since it's healthier - only, I have to be patient in the preparation and cleaning up!
  • Braun Citrus Juicer costs 89dhs at Carrefour
That's it!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's on your mind? Once.

What's on your mind? Better yet, what should be? ..what's on mine? MUSIC, Ramadan, Mockingjay, Fifty Shades of Grey, Czech Republic, Vietnam, arts.. and food :)

For the past months, my hands have been full with moonlighting here and there; whereas now that the kids are on a two-month vacation, it's summer and Ramadan is fast approaching, I could say that I have and will have the luxury of time for whatever! Strangely though, it's almost as if I had already forgotten how to deal with this much time! 

So much so, that I found myself enjoying Marketa Irglova's & The Swell Season's kind of music.. only enjoying at the beginning but grew fond and kind of obsessed with it now. Goodness! How could I be so into them?! ..not that the music is bad or there's nothing extraordinary in it. In fact, I find it very refreshing (Swell Season's), personal and touching (Marketa's). However, I do not always go into digging even the tiniest details about singers or celebs. Blame it on the free time! :p

And so, I've got a lot to say about them. 

Have you heard of the movie "Once"? I'm guessing a lot of you haven't. Well, I don't blame you for that. It came out as an independent low budget film back in 2006. I've only seen it over a year ago. I must say, though, that it was a very lovely movie about music! So what's the connection?

Here's the clip from the movie, please give it a bit of your time :)

Song: Falling Slowly
Won the Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 80th Academy Awards
for the movie Once

The movie featured Glen Hansard (Irish) and Marketa Irglova (Czech) who were known later as the musical duo "The Swell Season". In real life, the guy was from an Irish band while the girl was only a high school student back then. They made the movie without any expectations of getting anything out of it! True enough, the movie came out to be really simple - the lead characters have no names; the supporting actors were their friends and family; the cameras were rented; there were no permits for filming; the passers by never knew they were in the scenes (as long lenses have been used).. and yet there was something about it that captured the hearts of many. 

It was known later that both shared the same feelings that time. Moreover, what made it special I guess is that the songs used, played and sung in the movie were all theirs. They composed it, gave it tunes and rendered it realistically in the movie very well! Such gifted people!

Here's one of their slightly upbeat song as a band:

Here's Mar after four years with the album 'Anar'.. going on her own kind of music, which I absolutely adore! ..And touring Asia on my birth month (sigh!)
I particularly like the lyrics in her songs.
We Are Good
Early morning, rising with the sun
Resting where the sky meets the earth
Feeling the first rays of sunlight reaching into my soul
Where they reinstate the sense of my own self-worth

If you're not good, you're bad
That's far too black and white
Behold the glorious sun in all its radiance bright
It too, at times, is obscured by the thick blue veil of night
Still the moon and all the stars continue to reflect it’s light. 

And so it is that we are good
Though we do not always do as we should
We lose track of right and wrong
And we’re not always standing strong
But still don’t you wanna believe
In things that eyes do not perceive
Like our light shining from within
That in a battle with our darkness can win 

The gates of heaven open up before me
As my heart is given wings and flies
Leaving all pretense behind, everything is crystal clear
Even the worry of uncertainty subsides
They say that time will come for us to be reborn
Into the newness of unity that has been torn 
Into duality, into “it’s us against them”
It’s from a place of fear that all our conflicts stem

We’re almost there, but not yet, still the stage is set
For the play we may enact according to our contract
That we may both you and I, with everybody in our home up high
To awaken from our deep and long undisturbed though hardly peaceful sleep

If to look is to know the grace, which you bestow 
Upon those that you would raise into a kind and loving gaze
Then to look is to see everyone as good as they can be

I love Broadway, but I'd be equally happy to see people like The Swell Season or Mar perform live! I'd willingly pay even if it would be costly! Hence, the frustration of not being in Singapore or Seoul this August!!!

Anyways, if you're lovin' them, here they are again, live :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

I used to wonder what was so thrilling about Hong Kong's Ocean Park. I've never been to the one back home either. In my mind, I so often dismiss the idea of spending that much only to go to 'just another' theme park! 

"What else could there be more than Disneyland Paris or Atlantis/Wild Wadi Dubai?!" Forgive me. To be honest, that's what pops in my head when a theme park invitation comes my way! It's simply because it cost a lot of money to be able to enjoy places like these. Aside from the ride all you want entrance fee, of course one has to spend on food and drinks too and these aren't cheap at all!

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

But recently, in my visit to Hong Kong I have decided to just go with the flow and do what most people do. Go to where most people go. Perhaps they do it for a good enough reason. Don't you think? And, that would be going to Ocean Park for one! 

True enough, the experience was fun filled! Maybe I could say, it was worth every penny! 

*On a note though, every popular theme park has its own distinguishable attractions so one's degree of appreciation may vary on what actually interests him. Furthermore, there a lot of relatively new parks open today, which I'm sure others may find equally more interesting like Singapore's Universal Studio or Sentosa; UAE's Ferrari World and Iceland etc.

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

I, along with three other friends, went there just this June. The month was not exactly the best month to visit Hong Kong. It was hot, humid and there were chances of rain if forecasts were to tell you. Indeed it was hot and humid. 
Luckily though, it wasn't raining when we went there.

So, what's in Ocean Park?
One of the most popular must do in Ocean Park is riding the cable car! Afraid of heights?! Help yourself and don't be because this, for the most part, is what you pay for!!! 

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car
Covering an area of 870,000 square metres of land, 
the park is separated by a large mountain into two areas,
The Summit (Headland) and The Waterfront (Lowland) respectively. 
The areas can be reached by a 1.5 km long cable car system, a shuttle bus, or the Ocean Express funicular railway.

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car
Ocean Park features a 1.5-kilometre (0.93 mi) long cable car system connecting the lowland and the upland areas of the park with an 8.3 minute journey. 
It has a capacity of 4,000 passengers per hour with 252 cable cars on two pairs of ropeways. Each car has a capacity of six passengers.

The cable car system perches on the side of the mountain and allow its passengers a quite overwhelming scenic view of the other side of Hong Kong.

There were highs and lows along the journey.

It was pretty fascinating to see colorful, bubble-like cable cars
which seem afloat and in contrast to the verdant mountain.
I was actually in awe... like a child in awe.
I couldn't get enough of the experience to the point that I kept on blabbing about it!
Not only me though, my friends were also pleased with the experience!
If only time wasn't a constraint, I would have taken the ride a couple of times more!
Anyways, here are the photos.
Enjoy and do visit Ocean Park when you happen to be in Hong Kong, ok?!

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

The yellow and red thing, that's the Hair Raiser which only opened just last December 2011.
Here's my post for that:
By the way, Ocean Park also showcases a lot of shows - The Sea Dreams Show is one.
More about it here:

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Are you so lovin' Hong Kong now like me?
Appreciate it better knowing how rich it's culture is. Visit the famous
Mongkok - a very lively market!
Here's the post:
Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Hong Kong Ocean Park Cable Car

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hong Kong Beyond Disneyland

What comes to your mind when you hear "Hong Kong Disneyland"? Fun!! Right? As they say, it's the happiest place on earth! What more? To many people, Hong Kong is synonymous to Disneyland and Ocean Park! I'm one of those! No. I was. 
Not anymore, I mean.

Anyways, what actually happens in Disneyland is that both
kids and adults alike endure the hot and very humid weather to enjoy the theme park!
Enjoying Hong Kong Disneyland
To capture their fun in Disney, people take lots and lots of photos!!
Here's how it looks like...

Tourists busy taking photos
People gather and wait for their favorite and not so favorite characters in the parade!

Tourists were mostly Asians. A few were westerners. A lot of Chinese were there too.
People usually use digital cameras and iphones; occasionally ipad and tabs.
Digital cameras..but they've got very nice ones, they've got the bridge cameras.
It's actually quite overwhelming to see a lot of them using this kind. Yes, they can afford it.

Teens were plenty during our trip. It's nice to see them so good at self-cam approach!

It was so hot. Either you want to be on the shade; you wear hat;
or just go and well, bask under the heat of Hong Kong sun!

Yeah, we were spying at his camera! In the foreground is my friend.

So cute dads, so young :p

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dear God - I'm worried Part 2

For example - saving for the future.
<cos this is what's bugging me these days, comes with the age xp>
Say you want to save. You calculate N months and you get this much. Math is easy. Life, however, is tricky. The time in between the N months will never be easy. It's a struggle. At least, that's what makes reaching a goal fulfilling! In our plans, the goals are attainable but in reality, the journey towards it will never be that simple for we have emotions. We think but we still feel.

No, I'm not saying that we are helpless; that our lives are just our 'luck's. If we come to think of it, we aren't. To begin with, we have been blessed with our intrinsic qualities. We have our natural abilities and we can hone our skills. Also, there is a lot of help available if the former shouldn't be enough. We co-exist right? We are not an 'isolated case'. Furthermore, we are blessed with our family and friends; our society. To a certain extent, we are also a product of our experiences and choices. And although, we feel exhausted from time to time, we are also given breaks which should be gladly taken and used - not postponed. We should avoid the tendency to be greedy <talking to myself>. We should be able to make a sound judgment as to what we really need.

What I am saying is - we are well equipped and seasoned to handle our circumstances. Can it get any simpler than that?! However, rising above one's own burdens and adversities is another story. The actual thing is blinding. On the process, we often only see from our standpoint; what's evident and clear. We forget that man as we are, we are very limited. We couldn't do it alone. If one thinks he can succeed without any help from others, be it - which just reminds me of the 'king' from the book "The Little Prince". He thinks that he rules over a planet but how can he not command the sun to set? Got it?

But, we have to acknowledge that there is nothing wrong in having others help see us through. There is nothing wrong in admitting our inadequacy. There is nothing wrong in believing and putting our trust in an absolute being. Only then can we humbly say our prayers.

Nonetheless, we pray for this and we get that. Isn't it frustrating? In Philo, it has been said, though, that there are a lot means but only one end. The end goal is that which is of more importance. But then again, do we know our end goals?!

They say that we must be specific when we pray. As for me, I'm not sure if my prayers fit into the definition of specific but blessed as I am, I have been granted a lot of my fervent hopes. As I recall the prayers I've said, I realized that I'm not the kind who actually prays for world peace nor for the needy. If this should be of any help, the gist of mine has always been for my family. I've always prayed for my family's health, safety, and long life. I pray that they be given these so that they may be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour with God's grace. The same prayer for myself so that I may be able to continually provide for them. I pray that those who prays for them and helps them be blessed double! Perhaps, that is why it's been often answered?!

As such, upon contemplating these thoughts, I somehow felt better. I am happy to have my own share of hardships and good times that enabled me to be what and who I am right now; justified the cause of my worries and happiness; made me know myself better.

As a child, my father was a mechanic and it wasn't easy for my parents to make both ends meet with 3 kids studying in a private school. In spite of that, I saw how my parents were generous to us. My father used to bring home 'pasalubong' often. When he gets home, I always check his tattered bag for one!
I felt grateful for that.

As a child, I wanted a lot of things but my parents would sit with us transparently doing the budget to make us understand that such is only what we have and what we 'want' isn't always reasonable.
I felt involved in family matters - that I, too, need to contribute for our betterment.

As a child, my parents were not that strict with me. I was allowed to go catch spiders; play outside until the sun sets; come home with blades of grass on my shirts and all messed up; get bruised and fall on the bike; buy marbles, rubber bands with some pennies; spend after school hours at the neighborhood etc.
I felt I was trusted and free to explore without them worrying so much.

As a child, I've learned to work on my school assignments alone.
I would ask my mother the meaning of a word and she would just tell me "you ask mr.webster (dictionary)".
I felt that I could do something on my own too - that I am capable.

As a teen, I've had good school friends who I still get to meet when I go home - a few were the ones with me in Hong Kong. The others, I spent time days before I had to go back here. From elementary to high school, we enjoyed each other's company. I felt that a few good friends can be enough.

As a student, although I wasn't the best in class, I still felt the appreciation from my teachers. It boost my confidence.

College life was a bit difficult for me though.
It was the time when I sometimes had to make promissory notes to the cashier.
It was the time when we (same with my classmates also) experienced culture shock in school.
It was the time when I thought I was good enough.. only to meet others who are just exceptional.
It was a five-year endless competition among approximately 20 other equally talented individuals who I respect and have gone through a lot also. We were all determined to be the best in our own ways :)

That time, my parents were trying out their luck in some other place to make money as my father was retiring. My sister had a college assurance plan at that time for her college. My brother went to a government school for a vocational course which was cheap while I was privileged to go to Ateneo to study engineering only, I had no educational plans! I wasn't a scholar either. That meant, all the hard work of my parents basically was directed to me. Having marked a good rating in the board exams kept my parents' hopes up.

These, among others, are the reasons of my worries. I worry too much because I feel that I must be able to lead a good life - a life that's expected of me and I feel very much responsible for my family. I want to be able to give them comfortable lives. My parents are not getting any younger and so am I. That's why, as much as I could, I work hard for them.

However, as I've acknowledged, one can only do so much. And worrying won't do me any good. So perhaps, it's time to move on.. still do my best but let time take its course; let Him do the rest. Believe.. for life will always be a leap of faith!

But, thank God for all that has been, that is and will be.
"We obtain from Him as much as we hope for."

Dear God - I'm worried Part 1

Good morning! Sounding optimistic, ain't I? Well, I'm feeling much better today!

Yesterday, I was in fact sick and had to throw up a couple of times at home and at the metro station (excuse me)! But, I still had to go to work though. It was one of those days when I needed to get over the sickness - not that it's an absolute must. It's just that I felt the need to do so. After all, I just came back from a vacation. A sick leave shouldn't be necessary..

Why was I sick? I suppose it was the sum of all possible causes! xp In the first place, I was still recovering from the physical stress out of the long travels and moving around plus the time difference. My friends remarked, perhaps I was too tired that I was snoring endlessly all throughout my sleep for how many nights already!

Secondly, while it's wet season at home, it's actually summer here. And, by summer, I mean scorching hot summers! Thirdly, I admit, I am stressed out. I worry too much lately - family, work, goals. And, it isn't healthy at all! I'm just glad that I have some people whom I could share the burden with. As they've said: A shared sorrow is half the sorrow.

So, how could I be feeling much better today?!

Well, I prayed. Yes, I know how to pray :)

I grew up in a family where religious obligations must always be given time. I studied in religious schools and have recited the holy rosary and novenas who knows how many times. I have taught kids once in my life during Flores de Mayo. I have served as a catechist for quite some time. I have attended the holy mass almost everyday at some point during my review for the board exams. I have visited churches and offered dozens of eggs hoping that I could smoothly go out of the country for work.

I pray, but how could I dwell too much on my own share of crosses when all this time I have been so blessed?! All this time, I've always been provided of what I have fervently asked for. How could I not simply trust when I know how powerful a prayer can be?! Although,...

"Let Your will be done.." is one prayer that's most difficult for me to say. As simple and as common as it is, the very sense of it is too much, too heavy for me. What if I was planning all these years and all along, it isn't meant to be? What if, this is what I have been working so hard for but it isn't the right thing for me? What if my goals and dreams cannot be realized. It's scary and it will be heartbreaking. On the other hand, what if you have been working so hard and you have been saying this for a very long time already and yet nothing happened?! I'm guessing, that state of being idle is not at all comforting either!

A man plans. At least, that's the best he can do to cope up with the overwhelming uncertainties of life as it is not as easy and even sometimes far from being logical. But, a man's plans will, more or less, only address limited instances.

For example - saving for the future. <cos this is what's bugging me these days, comes with the age xp>
Say you want to save. You calculate N months and you get this much. Math is easy. Life, however, is tricky. The time in between the N months will never be easy. It's a struggle. At least, that's what makes reaching a goal fulfilling! In our plans, the goals are attainable but in reality, the journey towards it will never be that simple for we have emotions. We think but we still feel.
