Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life in Dubai - for kabayans.. PART 1

This write up is long overdue. As straightforward and as familiar as it may sound, I must say that it takes enough caution to turn that contemplation of one’s lifestyle into writing. Choosing a topic that’s very well known to most of one’s readers isn’t easy but I would like to tick this one out of my checklist anyways.. 
(That’s actually a sign of ageing! ..when you learn to let go of your hesitations and just want to move on!! X)

*Note: Not everything may apply to all of us here but I’m quite sure, there will be at least one or two points which one can relate to (hopefully). And so, I will be writing in the first person henceforth.

Why did I choose to work in Dubai?
I have been asked this question many times (although the people who got to ask this were mostly not Filipinos). The answer?
It is not really as if I had a choice. It was easier to enter Dubai and work here compared to other countries. It wasn't a bad choice either. Dubai back then was a place filled with dreams and promises.. ;p Furthermore, my friends are (and were) here and they were the ones who helped me out. To them, I am very thankful.

Most probably, the next question to that would be: 

Why here and not at your home country?
Simple! Money matters. That’s for me. 
People from different professions get more compensated here than at home. That is a fact - although for some, the difference isn’t really that much especially if that involves being separated with one’s kid/s. Sometimes, the latter still outweighs the former.

Furthermore, I had a dream. I was ambitious :p 
When I graduated after college and started working in my previous job (yes, previous.. my job here is just my second job), I met people who have inspired me to dream and to believe in those dreams. I once told myself, “one day, I will ~”

How long will I stay here?
I wish I knew! Usually, people will tell you “maybe 3-5 years”. As for me, my first answer was: “1yr. I will just buy a laptop and then save a little and then I will go back home.” I had that one all calculated in my mind. Who would have thought, adjustment alone took 1~2 yrs!

It wasn't long before I preferred the typical 3-5 yrs answer. And, guess what? I’m here for 4 years now! And if asked the same question again, I would still have the same answer maybe – only, the counting starts now! LOL

So, how’s life in Dubai? This is now an “us”.
Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites may give the impression of us “living a high life” in here! Yes, the pictures wouldn’t and didn’t lie (unless photoshopped! Haaaah!). If the picture showed we dined in “Burj Al Arab” for example or anywhere else, then yes, it’s true. If it showed us doing this and that, then yes, we did. But, please read on and maybe you will understand..

OFWs especially in Dubai, I believe, are the most updated people in such social networking sites. Why? It’s the generation and the environment I suppose. 

The generation.
Perhaps, years ago, if one mentions Saudi, one would picture a mid 30’s – 40’s man with “maong” jacket and gold necklace and watch. Say Dubai. What will I picture out? A crowd (now both men and women) somewhere between 25-35yo but not with a jacket – instead, the following: iphone & blackberry (Y’11-‘12), ipod (Y’08-‘10), dslr (Y’10-’12), and of course laptops (Y’08-11).. Reader, is the same true for you?
To be continued...

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