Monday, December 10, 2012

How do you feel about your age??

"Life is one indivisible whole." - Mahatma Ghandi

It’s the time of the year when people pause and try to reflect on what happened in the past 11 months. It’s the time when some of us try to make sense of what we have done, of what we haven’t and of what we should be doing. Most importantly, it’s the time to be thankful for having reached this point.

As with anyone enjoying being in the 20’s, it’s undeniably so certainly easy to get out of track of the road we imagined ourselves leading when we were still younger. Looking back at the university days, in general, we would want to “succeed” and in most cases, our definition of success was common – which still holds true, I believe. We wanted to land in a nice, high paying job and have a happy family life.

At early to the mid twenties, life simply gushes out of everyone. There’s no time to even think.
We just went with the flow. Many had fun. Others tried. We did things with little regard of tomorrow. After all, we have so often heard that to truly enjoy and be happy, we should be able to live in the ‘moment’.

Come late twenties and the idea of success creeps back in, but this time, it comes posing questions that are sure to make the bearer think and re-evaluate. The kinds like “Where am I now? How far have I gone in reaching my dreams? Did I really try? Is this the best I could possibly do? Am I happy?”. So, the tendency is to do some reality check.

This is the stage when we think less of the short term goals and more of the opposite, the time to make bigger and bolder plans. Pressure builds up. Our views then slowly change. Slowly. Well, we should wish for it to be slow otherwise, the rollercoaster of emotions might just be too much to handle with just a handful of confidants around – few, as the others are most likely experiencing the same crisis as yours.

At this stage, few feel lucky. If one is single, he wishes to find someone to wed and spend his life with. If one is married, he wishes for kids or for a better career. So, consider yourself lucky if you’re married, with kids and a promising career! You are what the society calls “successful”.

Wait, don’t you feel that way? Then you’re not simple minded. I'm guessing you've been wanting to have a business of your own or perhaps, to literally go and see the world? Simply put, you're wanting more. If you can, then, why not? We are insatiable. Besides, we cannot wish for things which we already have although, at least, we can be grateful.

Come to think of it. We gauge ourselves with common goals yet we all have different benchmarks; we all have different paths; we all have different tolerances. What you have endured to reach this stage, I may not have. Even if we share one common experience, its impact to me may not be the same as its effect on you. You may have been lucky today. Who knows, it just might be my day tomorrow!

Some times we feel accomplished, other times not. Maybe those are the times when we actually fall short of gratitude. We sometimes fail to acknowledge our growth. We fail to see that we are in fact a better person than we were years ago. And, this is so because we were pushed by our own situations. Again, that's something to be thankful for. We deserve a pat on the back!

From a simple case of having failed an exam in class to being able to pay for the food you feed yourself – that should be something to be happy about. In the not so simple case: one loses a loved one by death or by failed relationships – on the process he acquires certain wisdom from being loved and being heartbroken which others may not have the chance to experience at all!

There are countless things which we should be grateful for: our life, the reason for everything; our health that keeps us able; our job that provides for our needs; the food that we enjoy; our family, friends and lovers with whom we share our ups and downs; the comfort of our bed; the water that freshens our bodies…Anything. 
I am saying all these because this is how I picture life at this age. I am happy and thankful for the feeling of being challenged yet capable of achieving more... I hope you are too!

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